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Post- Magazine

A New Nervous System
Post- Magazine

a new nervous system [A&C]

In September of 2023, I published my one (and only) Substack post: “To Care or Not To Care?” The plan was to embark on a journey to “redefine, reconfigure, and reshape how I perceive care” over the course of the semester—the motivation for this first post being both a heart-wrenching breakup ...

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Post- Magazine

outfits prompts and you [lifestyle]

Oftentimes I find myself struggling with intentionality in my outfits, merely throwing the basic array of my favorites together into an acceptable pattern as I gather enough energy to get to breakfast. It’s a difficult pill for me to swallow. I have never been a capsule wardrobe person; my goal has ...

The Setonian
Post- Magazine

editor's note [s24] [01]

2/8/24Dear Readers,I felt a lot scurrying up the stairs to prod tonight: the singe of cigarettes in the air, the two-day-after (overmorrow) tinge of pain in my lower quads, the anticipated Trader Joe’s Chocolatey Coated Chocolate Chip Cookie Dunkers binge as we snack and work. I also felt scared; ...

do you remember me?
Post- Magazine

do you remember me? [A&C]

On paper, Celine Song’s Past Lives is a simple movie. A girl named Na-young has a crush on her classmate and close friend, Hae Sung, until her family decides to immigrate from Korea to Canada and she leaves. The two find each other on social media years later and briefly keep in touch before their ...

resonating with silence
Post- Magazine

resonating with silence [A&C]

Last spring, I paced around CVS near closing time and then called a guy I barely knew to go on a walk. After walking through the sharp cold of the lingering winter, we ended up in a lecture hall in 85 Waterman, where we sat in the front row and got to know each other. Every time he asked me a question, ...

Untitled Artwork
Post- Magazine

astrology for hustlers [lifestyle]

Budgets get tight at the beginning of the calendar year. Holiday shopping and celebrations leave wallets considerably thinner, and many college students make New Year’s resolutions to fix their finances. February in Providence is already bleak—don't make it worse with a boring campus job! If you ...

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Post- Magazine

there is nowhere to do it in new york [narrative]

Sitting in the art-deco-meets-botanica Domain Café (understood to be the Andrews of downtown Manhattan, given the prevalence of Asian-inspired food options), I feel exhausted. A frontal lobe headache is developing, and my eyes just can’t seem to adjust to the light. This is partly because I got up ...

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Post- Magazine

solving the secret to sibling dynamics [lifestyle]

During orientation week in August, I discovered that making small talk is one of my specialities. Thinking of questions to ask others comes easy to me, even if we’ve just met. “What majors are you for sure not interested in?” “Did you like the town you grew up in?” “What’s your favorite ...

Untitled Artwork
Post- Magazine

on being cringe [lifestyle]

According to the internet, there are over 7,000 undergraduate students currently attending Brown. Yet, after a year and a half here, I’ve come to realize that Brown can feel incredibly small. To walk across the green and not get waved at is a rarity for me, and whenever I introduce myself, I am frequently ...

Post- Magazine

revisiting gatsby [A&C]

The Great Gatsby entered the public domain in 2021. The air tasted the same. The clocks chimed no differently. The eyes of T.J. Eckleburg remained unblinking. But the world as we—those of us exposed to The Great Gatsby in a high school English class—knew it was forever changed. 


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