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Jacob Lockwood

University News

Krasinski, Burns, to earn honorary degrees

At Commencement on May 26, President Paxson P’19 will confer honorary doctorates on seven individuals distinguished in their fields — Sheryl Brissett Chapman ’71, Ken Burns, John Krasinski ’01, Jennifer Anne Richeson ’94, David M. Rubenstein, E. Paul Sorensen ’71 MA’75 PhD’77 P’06 ...

University News

Paxson responds to national admissions scandal

President Christina Paxson P’19 responded to the national admissions cheating scandal yesterday in an email to the University community, acknowledging the scandal “has raised questions about the integrity of the admissions process at selective colleges and universities” and detailing a plan for ...

University News

Spring 2019 Herald poll results

Spring 2019 poll results can be found here. 1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Christina Paxson is handling her job as the president of the University? 7.7% Strongly approve 39.1% Somewhat approve 21.6% Somewhat disapprove 3.4% Strongly disapprove 28.2% No opinion 2. Do you approve or disapprove ...

University News

Admission forms group examining access to Brown

The Admission Office formed a working group focused on expanding access to the University for first-generation and low-income students, according to Dean of Admission Logan Powell. The working group emerged from discussions between the Admission Office, the Undergraduate Council of Students and student ...

University News

University examines lead paint in Donovan House

The Department of Facilities Management will work with a painting contractor certified by the Environmental Protection Agency to repaint areas of Donovan House over winter break following students’ detection of lead in chipping wall paint. The residents of Donovan House­ — an on-campus, substance-free ...

University News

Warren talks economic policy, income inequality

Her father had a heart attack when she was young, leaving him unable to work and forcing her mother to get a minimum-wage job answering phones at Sears to support her family. Though her family lived paycheck to paycheck, she embarked on a path that led her to become the senior U.S. senator from Massachusetts ...


BrownTogether fundraising pace picks up

The University’s BrownTogether fundraising campaign has raised $1.88 billion to date toward its $3 billion goal, according to Senior Vice President for Advancement Sergio Gonzalez. The University hopes to surpass the two-thirds mark of its fundraising campaign by spring 2019, said President Christina ...

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