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The Setonian

Syme GS: The hand that feeds us

In its editorial column ("Brown is not Goliath," March 21), The Herald's editorial page board argued that Brown should not significantly increase its payments to Providence because this would threaten Brown's valuable educational mission, specifically by leading to tuition increases or cuts in financial ...

The Setonian

Moffat '13: Response to the UCS/UFB candidate debate

For all of you who didn't make it to the debate last night, you really missed out. You have no idea how refreshing it is to listen to a non-Republican presidential debate, where the candidates are actually willing to be charitable to one another and - oh my goodness - even agree with each other. Supporters ...

The Setonian

Lebovitz '14: Response to the UCS/UFB candidate debate

An experience disparity was on full display at yesterday's debate. The differences between the candidates were evident, and the questions really boiled the three candidates down into two neat groups. David Rattner '13 - who, in full disclosure, is in the same fraternity as myself - and Anthony White ...

The Setonian

Golden '14: Response to UCS/UFB candidate debate

This election season, I became fascinated and engrossed by the Republican presidential primary campaigns. Each debate offered another peek through the looking glass. From candidates forgetting their platforms at the dais to others throwing down $10,000 bets, just about the only thing missing from the ...

The Setonian

Schleimer '12: Why it's ethical to eat meat

In March, the New York Times' Ethicist column asked: Is it ethical for humans to eat meat? As omnivores, human beings have always relied on meat as a significant source of nutrition. Evidence of specialized hunting techniques dates back 50,000 years to the origins of human culture. But just because ...

The Setonian

Enzerink GS: Not gone with the wind, yet

Just 147 years after the Civil War, political mudslinging and the economic crisis have accelerated fears that the country might find itself on the eve of another devastating national conflict. Cooperation in Congress is at a low. The pressures of election season have created a culture of decisions that ...

The Setonian

Eppler '13: Rethinking social entrepreneurship

If there were a list of things Brown students say, "social entrepreneurship" would be up there with "hegemony" and "spicy with." Social entrepreneurship has attracted a great deal of institutional attention. Countless extracurricular programs, fellowships, courses, conferences and other initiatives ...

The Setonian

Thomas '15: Changing the dialogue around food

This spring, some 2,760 bright high school seniors anxiously and excitedly received acceptance letters from the University. Many of these eager young minds also received similar letters from our peer institutions and are now faced with the important question, "Why Brown?"

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