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Editorial: Let them stay

According to its website, the Brown University Graduate School “is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive academic community.” But this fall, as three graduate students ― Jeremiah Zablon GS, Clew GS, and Karina Santamaria GS ― faced removal from their programs, that commitment to ...

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Schiller ’25: When are overheard words stolen?

“Then they set the corpses on fire. … My sister was still alive after being shot seven times. As for me, a bullet went through my left cheek. I can’t smile. My face won’t let me.” If you found this quote disturbing, good — that was its intent. It is taken from “DMZ Colony'' by ...


Fang '26: No, we don’t need to know what you eat in a day

The videos are all the same: A thin, conventionally attractive person poses in front of a mirror before the screen cuts to a beautifully staged bowl of oatmeal. The next shot is lunch, a colorful salad, and then dinner, a mix of grains and greens. Bonus points if “macros”— the grams of carbohydrates, ...


Gaber ’23: The importance of aimlessness

As I enter my senior year at Brown, I’m watching everyone around me make decisions that, on the surface, seem life-defining. What will our futures hold, and what is the best way we can shape them? For some, this question starts early. Many students in my class already know where they will be working ...


Editorial: Brown, get boosted

COVID-19 is still going around. Despite declining case counts nationwide, our country currently faces about 55,000 new infections and hundreds of deaths a day. At Brown, many of us know peers who have recently ...


Glickman ’23: Not censorship, respect.

Self-censorship must have existed since humans first formed groups. Some powerful majority always decides which values, ideas and ways of being are permissible, and those who transgress these norms face the backlash of the community. As a result, we often censor ourselves, filtering out certain thoughts ...


Chang ’23: What it means to be Taiwanese

As I heard a student’s impassioned speech advocating for the forceful unification of my country, my frustration began to boil over. I rushed to the restroom, only to see my teary reflection staring back at me. Quickly drying my tears as the bathroom door opened, I wondered when I had lost my ability ...

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Fang ’26: The dangers of eco-fads

On move-in day at Brown and college campuses across the world, millions of students race through superstores looking for dorm supplies. The items they purchase reflect the latest environmental trends. “Climate neutral certified,” one shirt promises. “Powered by plants,” a laundry detergent ...


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