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The Setonian

Larson: The engineering program allows flexibility

Matt Brundage '15 asked a very good question in Thursday's column ("Why aren't there more engineers?" March 15). I've been an engineer for over 30 years, and I honestly can't imagine doing anything else. "Engineers create the future" is a well-known saying, and what could be more fun and fulfilling ...

The Setonian

Brundage '15: Why aren't there more engineers?

On a strictly academic basis, the number one reason I chose to attend Brown over other more or less academically equivalent universities was the open curriculum. I appreciate that the open curriculum, along with the S/NC option, gives students the freedom to take classes in unfamiliar subject areas ...

The Setonian

Hefer '12: The irrelevance of gender

When confronting a social issue, people mobilize around gender. The transvaginal ultrasound bill, domestic violence and sexual assault are presented as women's issues. Child custody injustices are men's.

The Setonian

Thomas '15: A call for women's activists

March is Women's History Month. Events sponsored by the Sarah Doyle Women's Center will be happening all month, recognizing past and present contributions and experiences of women worldwide. While these events represent a positive approach to the inclusion of women in academia, they remind me of what ...

The Setonian

Ingber '15: Since when has the two-state solution become passe?

For the past 20 years, there has been a consensus on a starting point to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: "Two states for two peoples" is something that experts including government officials, academics and journalists have espoused. The Jewish people deserve a sovereign nation as do the Palestinians. ...

The Setonian

Johnson '14: An open letter to Christina Paxson

Welcome to Brown, home of one the most accomplished and diverse student bodies in the world. You have some big shoes to fill — we all love President Ruth Simmons. But here are a few places that you can make a positive impact on our school, picking up where Simmons left off.

The Setonian

Carty '15: Rebuttal

The point that the academic arena is a cooperative, not a competitive enterprise is a compelling one. But I believe that it is incorrect, as the academic arena has an element of meritocracy inherent to it that is important to society as a whole.

The Setonian

Are "study drugs" a form of cheating?

To state the obvious, Ritalin and Adderall make studying easier. They provide for unnatural focus and absurd alertness during times of high stress and little sleep, to the benefit of thousands of improved grades and to the detriment of countless study habits. Going to a university that provides for ...

The Setonian

Moffat '13: Rebuttal

Carty argues that part of the "test" of college involves stamina and willpower, something that study drugs can induce artificially and, therefore, unfairly. There are a number of problems with this position.

The Setonian

Husted '13: Individualism at Brown

Brown is a place that markets itself on its individualism. This school has no core requirements and strives to accept people who forge their own paths through their academic and personal lives. This is great. It makes for a truly interesting atmosphere, where one feels surrounded by vastly different ...

The Setonian

Davidson '14: The exceptional classroom

Whether it's through furtive texting, Facebook dithering or online shopping, virtually everyone has been guilty of defiling the sanctity of the classroom at some point. Less blatant, though perhaps more insidious, are the more subtle patterns of disengagement — muffled snacking, side conversations ...

The Setonian

Kalyanpur '13: The logic of divesting in the dark

A corporation never tells, and ours is no exception. There is no way for the conscientious Brown student to march up to University Hall and ask the legitimate, logical question, "Where does our money go?" With its $2.5 billion endowment, Brown currently invests in a variety of companies with the ultimate ...


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