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The Setonian

Editorial: Thankful for a break

Each semester, there is one time in particular when professors should avoid making assignments due. During the spring semester, it's the first few days after Spring Weekend. As we wrote last April, professors who assign work due the following Monday or Tuesday aren't just being unkind to their students ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Take it easy

Leaked footage of a professor at Cornell losing his temper over a student's yawning has recently gone viral, drawing attention to the sometimes excessive reactions professors have to students' misbehavior.

The Setonian

Editorial: Loco 4 Loko

A new wave of hysteria is sweeping the nation. The target this time: Four Loko and other caffeinated alcoholic beverages like it. According to a Web page set up by Brown Health Services, one Four Loko contains as much alcohol as a six-pack of beer and as much caffeine as four sodas. Unlike these other ...

The Setonian

From the editors: What we're thankful for

Alice … our staff, who amaze us every day … our business staff, who pay for us every day …  our parents, for everything … our understanding roommates and siblings … Officer Chuck … boxes of donuts, drawers of candy and cabinets filled with cookies … ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Metcalf Auditorium, R.I.P.

Most of the classrooms at Brown are quite good. MacMillan 115 and Smith-Buonanno 106 in particular are very nice places to watch a professor lecture, and the two auditoriums in the Salomon Center definitely get the job done. The same cannot be said of what used to be the Metcalf Chemistry Lab auditorium. ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Letter of recommendation

It's pretty much inevitable that we will all have to get letters of recommendation at some point during our time at Brown. Whether we're applying for jobs, internships, grants, study abroad programs or graduate schools, the time will invariably come to confront this rite of passage.  

The Setonian

Editorial: Walk away

An editorial in the Providence Journal recently called out students at Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design for being careless when crossing streets and riding bicycles. The Journal brings up a good point — one that we already made in an editorial last March. We asked students to take greater ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Apply yourself

In May, The Herald reported that the Admission Office saw a nearly 21 percent spike in applicants for the class of 2014. The record number of 30,135 applicants was cited by the New York Times in a recent article on a nationwide push by many universities for more applications without a corresponding ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Main course

There is a class at Harvard — Science of the Physical Universe 27: "Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science" — where students, instructed by math and physics professors as well as professional chefs, apply scientific principles to the culinary arts. As much as we hate ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A good start

Earlier this month, the Office of the Dean of the College unveiled Focal Point, a new concentration-mapping tool. As usual, we're glad to see the University continue to improve its Internet resources. We like the idea of a tool that allows students to explore different majors. However, we think the ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A small profile in courage

Anyone who takes a realistic look at our nation's fiscal situation will see that both spending cuts and tax increases are necessary to get the federal budget back on a sustainable path. For those who disagree, we direct you to an excellent editorial in Monday's Washington Post, which lays out just how ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Little Rhody's long name

Last Tuesday, when Rhode Islanders headed to the polls to vote on leaders and bond issues, they were also asked whether they wanted to change the state's name from "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" to the simpler "Rhode Island." The full and rather unwieldy name is almost never used, ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Enforce the academic code

Only 41 undergraduate students were cited for potential academic violations last year, The Herald reported last week. Out of a total undergraduate population of around 6,000 students, that number represents less than 1 percent of the student body.

The Setonian

Editorial: Privacy in giving

Brown students consistently rank among the happiest in the nation, so it's no surprise that when the senior class gift campaign rolls around, many soon-to-be graduates are glad to donate. But things aren't so nice and simple at some of Brown's peer institutions — a few of last year's seniors at ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Get out the youth vote

Most of the upperclassmen can remember a chilly but clear November night in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. We watched, full of anticipation, as the votes were tallied and the historic win was announced. Many of us celebrated together, cheering on the Main Green and ...

The Setonian

Editorial: A tax on renters

Earlier this year, the Providence City Council eliminated a provision for rental homes in the city's budget that allowed owners to exempt the first 33 percent of the homes' value from the city's property tax. The change is expected to raise approximately $20 million from the roughly 12,000 rental properties ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Our courses

MyCourses is on its way out, The Herald reported last week. The current version of the system will no longer be available beyond 2013 and Brown will either have to upgrade to the newer version or find a new platform all together.

The Setonian

Editorial: A little out of shape

Last year, the Corporation announced that it had approved a new, mandatory $64 "recreational facilities" fee to be paid by every undergraduate student. As President Ruth Simmons wrote in an e-mail to students, the fee would "reduce the amount we will need to cut from the Athletics or other budgets." ...


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